Tuesday, January 27, 2004

ever since i turned 18 i've felt less and less confident about my ability to live on my own. i didn't know what to expect when i became a legal adult, but somehow i thought i would become less of a leech, or at least, more of a contributor, to this family than i had in the past, but so goes, no dice. i'm still the poor and pathetic punk ass kid who asks his parents for lunch money every week, and what's even more sad is that i save that lunch money for alcohol and the notion of buying some dvd's sometime in the future. i need a job!

getting my wisdom teeth pulled was a very humbling experience. any remaning feeling of me being an adult was totally destroyed yesterday. my mom, dad, and brother find themselves tending to my constant needs on a close monitor, making sure i am well fed, medicated, and iced according to the post-op directions.

i hate soup! the clam chowder wasn't that bad, but i hate eating chicken noodle and not being able to chew the shit. i have to swallow whole noodles like a deepthroating whore!

my dad said he saw the stargate sg-1 series box sets that i don't have at costco. hopefully, out of some unprecedented compulsion of giving, he'll get them for me. (hey, they're already spoiling me, so i don't give a fuck anymore! at least i'm not asking for jersey's and jordan's like all of the misguided kids on welfare. yes, i know, today is obviously not "be compassionate day!")

i'm talking out of my ass!

i hope my face stops looking like a fucking cartoon by the end of the week, because i really want to go on the confirmation retreat and blaspheme the fuck out of that piece.

i gotta go ice this shit now. peace, all of you normal-looking motherfuckers.


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