Wednesday, December 18, 2002

okay, so it's like, almost four in the morning, and i woke up at two to study for the american studies test. i'm going to start right after i write this entry..... 'cuz i'm a hardcore weblogger, yo.

no, not really, but whatever.

so i've been looking through all of these websites that belong to indie bands in places as far as the east coast, new york and such, and it got me really thinking: these dudes already have friends who are hot girls, and they freakin' adore their music - and i mean, isn't making music for cute girls the only reason to make music?

no, not really, but whatever.

even so, thinking it through, i came to the conclusion that none of the hot girls i know would appreciate or like the type of music i'd do, no matter how fucking incisive/deep/emo my shit could ever get. so i guess an immediate fanbase made up of cute girls i know would be out of the question.

yous freakin' cute girls yous!

anyways, there's my little retarded outlook on this whole thing. i was going to have a longer *speil* on all of this, but then i remembered i'm soooooooooo hungry, and my family bought sandwich ingredients yesterday.

p.s. i know when people write about girls in their weblogs, they come out sounding soooooooooo GAY! 'cuz people don't want to hear about this shit, 'cuz it's redundant, 'cuz we all know that we all think about girls, 24/7, yo! i mean, don't men do 99.9% of the things they do for women? boys are like a slave race to those muchachas!


but i think it's RAD, SPIFFTASTIC, and A CAT IN THE HAT that i can withstand the powers of those starry eyes, pouty lips, and legs, legs, legs!


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