Monday, December 09, 2002

the last blog entry was technically written on saturday, but that was a recollection of my friday. so to catch up on saturday and sunday, and instead of doing my web design classwork, here i go:

saturday this day was my official birthday. right before i wrote the preceeding blog entry, my dad greeted me at the door with a "happy birthday," and gave me a hug. this was of course at one o'clock in the morning, and i was of course, still funny footed from the dance. after writing the blog, i went to sleep and woke up around 10 o'clock.

my dad took my brother and i to the group health clinic, where we all got flu shots. when it came time to get my shot, i actually didn't put up a fuss, which is quite an achievement, knowing my deep fear of needles.

poke. inject. pullout.

we went to taco time after that, because i looooooove my americanized mexican food. i got a casita burrito, which was good up and 'til the last few bites, when i felt really sick. besides an apple i had eaten before we left for the injections, this was my breakfast.

i got home, and i felt very sluggish and lethargic. with the added effects of the burrito i had just injested, along with the blah-feeling given to me from the previous night of hard liquor and tons of wasted energy, i was feeling gutterish and yucky.

two o'clock rolled along, and i hadn't realized the time. anthony and brian came to get me, and i ran out, fresh out of the shower. we picked up rj, and drove to safeco field, to begin our day of work.

the whole thing was pretty surreal. the catering/busing for other people was something straight out of american beauty and fight club, except the worst thing i did was not wash my hands during my whole time there, even though i handled so much food.

i wonder how many people got sick because of me.

we bussed for microsoft employees: nerds and hippies as tyree would say, and indians, white dudes, and asians, as ryan said. this is the highly paid sector of society that is totally composed of squares.

you should have seen these squares dance and get drunk. it was painful to watch, and just as embarassing.

it was a unique job experience, nonetheless. i don't know if i'll ever be able to work with nine of my friends (tyree, tory, roger, brian, anthony, ryan, cortney, minh-tu, and amy!) for the same employer ever again. also, working in and around the semi-empty safeco baseball field was a nice setting to look at, which never ceased to make me wonder. i also scored tons of food (pounds of turkey and roast beef), not to mention a crazy delicious three-layer pumpkin cake.

and to think, this is how i spent my birthday: working nine and a half hours straight, getting home at one in the morning, my feet and legs absolutely killing me.

but i spent it with friends, and i learned some new things, LIKE HOW MUCH GRUNT WORK FUCKING SUCKS.

i refuse to live a life of servitude, especially to jerk-off losers. the only reason i'd be that poor would be if i chose an artistic lifestyle, and not because i failed to keep my shit together in school.

fuck that.

although, i'll probably end up taking a job like that until i get through college.

sunday churched, and slept for four hours until 7 pm, and then i stayed up until 1:30 am playing the violin, reading the adventures of huckleberry finn, and mostly just sitting around on the floor of my bedroom, listening to music.


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