Thursday, May 15, 2003

i just came back from the matrix: reloaded. the watchowski brothers are on crack, or some other mind-altering drug that allows you to free. your. mind.


i don't know what to think about all of that matrix philosophy shit. personally, i kind of liked the thinking aspect of the film, even though all of the speeches were sort of long, and i probably need to see it again to grasp the full meaning of the architect's fucking diatribe.

the funnest part of today, however, was waiting in line hella early to get into the movie. sitting in the front of the line felt hella good. i used to hate the word "hella" 'cuz i thought it was boater, but i'm learning to accept it into my vocabulary, as well as the fact that my enunciation isn't that far from the shore that makes people who've immigrated to this country this year fresh off the boat. besides, i can't be that pretentious, geez.


man, there's a whole subculture of matrix fandom that i could find myself immersing in soon, but i'd rather not 'cuz it seems pretty geeky. there weren't that many people waiting in line with their "neo" coats and indoor sunglasses, but i could tell a lot of people there were anticipating this film's release.

i can tell that laser pointer will get us into a lot of trouble into the future, 'cuz i almost caught the can during first period today, and nobody who holds it can resist fucking with people, even though the infrared laser can cause permanent eye damage.

good times.


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