Wednesday, October 30, 2002

pornographic images of nubian superheroes and krusty the clown derailing a train.

i just woke up, and those are the last things i remember in my dream.

yesterday afternoon, i went to sleep really early, in my brother's bed. around 9 pm, my brother kicked me out of his bed, and i vaguely remember walking over to my own bed. my original plan was to wake up at 9 pm, and do some homework.

boy did i throw that plan out the window.

now i'm awake, and i really don't know where i am, though it is slowly coming back to me now. the crazy thing is, i have this feeling of being lost and uncertain of time, without the use of mind-altering drugs.

i'm going crazy, i swear.

i had to ask my mom if it's time to go to school, because when i woke up, i felt as if i couldn't trust the clocks.

i also woke up with a feeling of disgust from what i was dreaming about. i really didn't want to dream about black people with the american flag painted on their chest having competitive sex with other black couples, and the part with simpsons characters confused me even more.

i feel dirty. i need a shower. it's 5:50 am as i end writing this, and i need to leave at 6:15 am for zero period. but i'm never on time for that shit.

i don't know what i'm going to tell my math peers, when i have to tell them that i haven't done any assignments. this calculus shit is due friday, and i have less than 3 out of 14 assignments completed. and today is a 1/3/5 day?

where's my head?


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