Sunday, January 12, 2003

okay, so there is hero worship. but what about lady worship? these days it seems, there really aren't any celebrities that i have taken a deep likeing to. if i became famous, i'd still probably want to be with a hometown-type of girl.

but then i think about my hometown, and then i'm like, "wait a second, i retract the last statement. i could never resist a pop diva or sultry actress!" i think for many others, it's different. i think a lot of people i know would definitely be more down to earth, and are constantly thinking of the same local girl(s). but yo, that just doesn't do it for me anymore. i guess i can't wait until i can have my international trips, whether i am famous or not, because the wealth of beauty in this world is just waiting for me out there. i just know it.

sure i'd come back, someday. but i wouldn't be coming back to a host of female admirers, or a lot of female friends, for that matter. this may probably be because of the fact that renton high school is so small, and the sub-thousand number of students is sort of small compared to other schools. i feel like i've met everyone there is to meet, and most people are full of shit and asscock. this goes for girls and guys.

plus i don't have any really close female friends, who truly trust me, and just want to hang out. like, none of the girls i know would spend the night at my house just for the sake of 'chillin,'' and i don't know any of their parents very well. i'm fairly acquainted with the parents of my boy friends, for that matter.

also, you'd think being friends with all the hot girls at school would be cool, but it really isn't, IF THEY ALL HAVE BOYFRIENDS!

at times, i hate everyone. at other times, i'm in love with everyone - boys and girls, in that non-faggy sort of way.

when i get out of this place, it'll be like this: "small time kid hits the big city!" even though technically i already live in the "big city," it's not the big part of the big city that i'm living in.


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