Thursday, October 31, 2002

man, i got locked out of my house when i got home from school today. i was all happy and glad and happy that linda took me home after we talked to muckerheide for eons afterschool, and i thought i would be able to just walk into my house, and eat something. by the way, i didn't eat lunch today, which is so out of my routine, like a devout christian not going to church, and goddamit i was salivating when i got home. i needed some grub grub grub, and i got nothing nothing nothing en mi estomago.

after trying watching a bird peck at apples in my apple tree, attempting half a calculus problem, i was about ready to go to sleep when my brother finally got home. i was laying down, resting my eyes, when john leaped out and yelled "rawr" at me. he thought i was a robber.

there's a dead blue bird in my front yard. it's some sort of crow or jay or something. i took a picture of it.

i'm going to rj's tonight to work on more calculus bullshit. i hate this fuckery. hopefully the crew will go trick-or-treating up in rj's neighborhood, winsper, so then i can at least play calc-HOOKEY and get me some candy.

if not, i'll be without this quality, quantity, and array of sugar for another year.



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