Saturday, April 26, 2003

i swear i have mood swings like a fucking woman. i must be on my weekly period, which usually lasts for two minutes or so. i love people, i swear!

i see hope for humanity... in... something.

i'll get back to you on that one.
i just figured out that if every person in this world were to retract every stupid, cunty statement they'd ever written on the internet, there would be no internet.

so all of you bitches may continue the soulless waste of space you call weblogging... you have my permission to do so. i won't hate... even though your most cathartic entries intended for theraputic release are like the infernally blaring fire drills at renton high school.

...pointless and fucking annoying! go to hell, you moronic fucksluts!

yes sir, i'm in a jolly mood.

blogging sucks.
i have this thick and nasty aftertaste from a donut i just ate. i should have known white frosting with pink sprinkles would result in major trouble, as in, THIS AFTERTASTE IS FUCKING GROSS and it's making me feel tired and dry inside. i want to cry!

psyche. but fuck. i need a good rinse of toothpaste water and oxyclean.

my mom and i just came from safeway, where we bought a couple of snacks for tomorrow's meet in bellevue. hopefully that'll be crackin,' 'cuz there's supposed to be a good number of schools there.

trampoline jumping and playing halo at anthony's today was cool... for what it was.

are those guys going to write songs without me or seth, while we are at the track meet? do they think we're expendable? have they no faith in my rockstar credibility?

tune in next time... when we find out that i'm destined to have an unexpectedly fortuitous career as a singer/songwriter soloist!

Thursday, April 24, 2003

i've been wearing a bath towel, with purple stripes that match the shirt i'm wearing, on my head for more than an hour now. for a while i forgot i was wearing it. i couldn't forget this itch on my neck though, which really bothers me, because it stings like fuck. my arms are sore for no reason. i think i need to put my hands in a girl's armpits soon, otherwise i fall asleep forever and never get to see all the little kids i know grow up, nor the big kids, for that matter.

peace in the middle east... pace picante sauce... peas are yucky... piece together what's left of this magnificently emotional and heartbreaking lego set...

xoxo jcg
it seems like everytime i run the 2-mile the sun comes out from behind the clouds and makes everything warm. it's a beautiful thing.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

one of the greatest ironies of my life is that i am such an abject perfectionist, but my life is far from perfect, and yet i haven't taken any sort of steps to bring me any closer to a desired state. what the fuck is that, anyway? is there really something, or am i truly doomed to be a conscious glutten for punishment?

and yet, i look upon people with such contempt, people who self-analyze and self-depricate and commit acts of ego-suicide. it's a wonder how i get along with myself.

i guess that's more than one irony to consider.

and i hate the way people use words, and i know everyone hates the way i use them too. we can mutually agree to disagree with one another, although in the back of my mind and yours we're all thinking, "fuck it, i'm right." that's the trouble with the english language; what can you say or not say that will not make you a phonie, a flake, a prick, a square, a bitch, a cunt, an asshole, or an etcetera or etcetera or etcetera?

you can't please everyone, and for that matter, and for myself personally, it's much easier to say everyone is a sack of worthless shit. everyone is wrong. no one is right. no one can even begin to have a fucking clue.

and yet, i find truth in books, music, and movies that carry love and optimism? how does that work?

and yet, i care that you care. i care enough to spell out these things for you, dear reader. that's how much i care.

that sounded somewhat condescending, but it wasn't supposed to.

i care for this whole goddamn world, i swear to God. i even capitalized "God," to show that i'm not an athiest, because in my experience, athiests never have the right idea - and they're stupid too.

they really are.
fuckers, fuckers, fuckers! how're all of you gaylords doing today? i bet you're all wondering the same of me, otherwise you wouldn't read this stuff.

i've been eating ice cream. to reiterate: i've been eating A LOT OF FUCKING ice cream. a couple of weeks ago it started out with ice cream sandwiches and ice cream cones and shit, but now i've taken more of a liking to chocolate ice cream sundaes with bananas and strawberries and whipped MOTHERFUCKING cream, yo! bowls piled a mile high. it's like a rekindled taste for the stuff; a great awakening of ice cream?!?!?!

i forgot to mention that in addition to the churros my mom and brother made last weekend, they also made baklava. BAKLAVA. i think it's greek or something. anyway, it's been one of those things i've seen that can make a family o.g. AND GODDAMNIT, you cannot say that baklava ain't gangsta.'

salad tossers!

studying for the american studies test in two weeks, you ask? maybe!

it seems like everyone is thinking about college now. don't get me wrong, i have ALWAYS been thinking about shit, but it always seemed so far away in the distant future. but high school graduation really isn't too far away. and i'll be 18 years old in 9 months. that's a whole fucking pregnancy! i'm an expectant mother... of my own personal legalized manhood!

barely legal teens! rawr.

p.s. track sucks shit. we have a meet tomorrow against evergreen, and an invitational meet in bellevue on saturday. getting tired and sweating yucky fuckloads = good times!

Sunday, April 20, 2003

caramel chocolate chip cookies!