Saturday, December 13, 2003

trapped myself in front of this computer, getting guitar tabs, watching more chappelle, more music videos, more or less everything that is stupid and available to me on the internet. justin king, the commercially unknown percussionistic-flamenco-jazz musician has changed what i used to think about the acoustic guitar. i want to get all of the stargate sg-1 series on dvd, and then i'll be an official lock'n'shut-in for sure. listening to coldplay makes me feel soft and vulnerable, and i love it. all of these know-nothing emo kids on the subterranean scenester scene should take lessons from coldplay. i'm beginning to come to terms with the fact that my being alive will effect history with very little profundity, unless i open my eyes, for real this time. ain't no sunshine when she's gone. it's true; it's dark outside of my window.
last night i had this dream that someone and i rode down the renton avenue hill on a moped, and we eventually ended up in paris where the person's apartment was. there was some sort of city-wide tour de france type-shit going on, like everyone was on bicycles going in the opposite direction of where we were going. and when we went to the person's apartment, there were two giant bottles of alcohol and an unmade bed. and then i realized something and woke up.

it wasn't really a crazy dream, but i enjoyed it because i remembered it and i never remember my dreams anymore. unless my waking reality is just one big dream, then in which i case do remember my dreams.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

this is how irresponsible i am. the journalism editors have been working long and hard, i suppose, on this issue's layout, which is due this friday, and i'm in the middle of writing my story. i'm bad!

and i'm sick too... i get a flu shot every year, and i still get the flu every year. how the fuck fuck does that work, yo? shit is wack. and pointless. pointlessly painful, since needles make me uncomfortable.

i spent most of today watching music videos of the strokes and outkast, as well as the first half of last season's chappelle's show. i know, that show is old news for most of you guys, but haha! conan may have been right, dave chappelle is perhaps the funniest man in the world. besides conan.

and i'm not even excited about winter break since she won't even be in the country...

it's going to be the longest break EVER.

Monday, December 08, 2003

it's that time of the year when everything just SNOWWWWWBALLS with uncontrollable momentum! momentum!

Sunday, December 07, 2003

my last day of youth entailed watching finding nemo and getting separated from my mom at the supermall. man it was fucking perfect. then my first day as a legal adult started out the gayest way possible, but then afterwards we made our own consolation prize out of the night by sip-siping and then i woke up and went to church and ate taco time because it's my family's fine dining. and then i was on the phone for five hours with someone i dig massively. life is beautiful.