today, during lunch, i studied in the library. it was the best studying EVER. at first, i felt like i was missing out on all the good shit that happens during lunch period, but then i remembered that NOTHING HAPPENS AT OUR GOD FORSAKEN SCHOOL OF BORING SOFT KNOCKS AND DOWN-TO-EARTH IDIOTS, so why worry?
what. me. worry? ON AN ALFRED E. NEUMAN TIP!
for me, swimming always turns out to be a humbling and somewhat disappointing part of my day. in my head, i feel like i've improved a great amount, assuringly telling myself "i can do anything!" but once practice time comes along, i see how much i really suck. sure, at least i can go the whole length of the pool without stopping, but realistically speaking, the shortest race distance in a swim meet is two pool lengths.
the shortest race; a minimalist's medium.
i am THE slowest person on the team. granted, i'm happy for my brother, because he gets faster and faster everyday, rising the ranks, but other than that, i'm slower than a bunch of losers. funny looking losers. losers who get made fun of, alienated, and scrutinized for their unexcuseable moronic behavior. take rob morrow for instance: in my discussion yesterday with dr. muckerheide, he said this: "i've been a teacher for probably 35 years now, and in all my time teaching, i have never known a person with more screws loose than rob morrow."
okay, so it's pretty low of me to rag on a person online, especially someone of the underdog quality as rob. you'd think that, wouldn't you? WELL IT'S NOT THAT WAY. I AM THE HERO OF THIS STORY. ME. ME! ME!!!
i got the worst cramps of my life at the end of practice. my left leg felt like it was completely paralyzed, and i couldn't bend it for anything. my other leg felt like a giant rope tied in knots - KNOTS TIED BY SATAN HIMSELF. i guess i need more potassium in me, or some dietary bullshit like that.
i want ice cream!
highlight of my day: taking the sweetest fucking hot shower EVER after swimming in pool water that had been imported and defrosted ice, straight from the artic ocean.