you know what? i don't hate everybody. in fact, i don't hate anybody. i don't know why i said so in the first place. i don't pay enough attention to all of you fucks to truly hate you. it's not your fault, anyway. it's not my fault i have this long standing relationship with the beauty and uglyness of this world.
hate sucks.
three essential beverages: ORANGE JUICE, MILK, AND WATER. you are living the american-fucking-dream if your refrigerator stocks all three!
of course, my refrigerator only has skim milk in it, right now. what the fuck. is my family going on a fucking diet? it doesn't make sense, because we're all skinny. GIVE ME 2% FAT, OR GIVE ME DEATH.
i've thought about doing homework. i think i'm going to really do it too, once i get something out of my system.
SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT WAAAAAAARGH! (track 6 on the queens of the stone age
songs for the deaf album. I LOVE THAT FUCKING BAND!)
yo. i was wondering how we're all going to attain some sort of uplift, 'cuz yo, we all need it. i mean, i could go for some RISIN' ABOVE right now, 'ya heard?
when was it such a guilty sin to try and feel good, for once?
i've been reading
bagombo snuff box, by kurt vonnegut. the man can write short stories, i can tell you that. the introduction of the book talks about how we as a society, the U.S. of A., used to read short stories out of magazines for afterschool/afterwork entertainment, instead of television.
i think i need to find something to battle my addiction to the internet. PERHAPS A SPONTANEOUS ROAD TRIP IS IN ORDER?
perhaps the first thing i'll do when i get my drivers liscense is drive faaaaaaar away, perhaps all the way to the east coast. i'll end up doing it in the middle of a semester in my junior year of highschool, the most crucial year of highschool. of course, i'll end up writing a book of memoirs of the experience, and win critical acclaim and nationwide adoration from teens everywhere for the freespiritedness of the work.
OR MAYBE, i'll just take a shower, and wash off all of this out of my mind.