Saturday, November 29, 2003

these shitty speakers on my computer cannot do the strokes justice when i play them at a high volume level, which sucks, since it would be so nice to drown out all of the headaches and peripheral bullshit that's turning me into a lump of stupid right now. jumping off a bridge seems like it would be so easy.

i wish my guitar could cry for me.
ice skating was cool. and the strokes get cooler every time i listen to them.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

dear god,

i'm thankful, i guess.

thanksgiving. i'm probably one to be thought of as a cynic towards such a holiday, but i don't really give a fuck. i do have things to be thankful for, like family and shit. lots of shit, like my vitality and my youth and shit like that. i have a whole life waiting to be lived, i just need to jump on the fucking bus and dance. dance disco. lately i've been watching some good movies, but i haven't found anything that inspire me profoundly. i need another kill bill or lost in translation to come my way. i can feel myself getting older, and it's like, sick. not the good-feeling type of sick, the fucked-up-realization-that-i'm-getting-mature-and-boring-and stupid-kind of sick. but like many kids at crossroads age, i'm refusing to let the times make me into a worthless adult. i've been surrounded by drones all my life, and i will not let myself become another one.

i want new clothes and longer hair... and god-like powers on the guitar. and girls who want the other kind of guy can listen to kiro tv by sneaker pimps, 'cuz that song is tight and i'm listening to it right now!

Sunday, November 23, 2003

i'm just contributing to the disgusting social pattern of EXTERIOR EXTERIOR EXTERIOR. i obsess over looks even though i want people to appreciate what's inside of others. i wish everyone was represented by glowing balls of colored light. things would be so much easier. superficial kings and queens for now.
i'd rather watch some sickasshypeshit-type dvds (east is east, roger dodger, 13 conversations about one thing, beastie boys video anthology, folllowing) than fill out some wackassfuckthat college applications or do stupidasslongoverdue ap homework. that's why i'm fat.

my culture essay: my parents speak fluent broken english and i've lived in a nigger neighborhood all my life. fuck jorge if he drafts me, i'll draft HIM.